Product & Solution is B2B (Business to Business) Ecommerce and also has indirect channel marketing media (In house Store and Pop Rack). serves office supplies and needs such as Electronics (printers and consumables, scanners, PCs, notebooks, IT peripherals, cameras, and gadgets), Office Supplies (office stationery and paper), and Office Equipment (projectors, shredder machines) . As this business grows, touches the government market as B2G (Business to Government) Ecommerce. The various types of products offered, guaranteed product authenticity, and maintained service level agreements make the leading B2B and B2G e-commerce offering a variety of office supplies. will consistently continue to innovate to serve customers by providing an easy, safe, and comfortable shopping experience.

Learning Suite

Aplikasi pembelajaran online untuk menyajikan pembelajaran online yang bisa terdokumentasi, termonitor dan menghasilkan pelaporan.

Assessment Suite

Aplikasi untuk menjalankan ujian berbasis komputer dengan dilengkapi fitur komprehensif yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan ujian.

Talent Career Suite

Aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengelola daftar kompetensi, roadmap konten pembelajaran, daftar karir dalam institusi.


Produk dan Solusi kami bisa hadir berkat kepercayaan dari partner kami